Guide from the Side® Game


  • Exploration Game in Word
  • Exploration Game in Excel
  • Money Plan in Excel with Formulas


The Guide from the Side® Game is a fabulous tool for coaches to use with clients. It is available for free to graduates of the Certified Master Coach program at the Center for Coaching Certification and is offered to all other for $25.


The Guide from the Side® Exploration Game is provided in both Word and Excel. It includes five exploration worksheets for the coach to use with the client. The worksheets explore client values and priorities to support the coaching process and work.


1. Values – from a list of 175 values the client chooses their top five and then defines each for them self.

2. Connections – the client lists by type and name their top three relationship priorities and then explores how they want to be in the relationship and what activities they want to engage in with the other person.

3. Time – the client enters how much time they currently invest in personal, work, and other activities, decides how much time they want in each area, and then describes how they will schedule their time.

4. Money – the client ranks their comfort level with their current spending on necessities, long term expenses, and discretionary expenditures.

5. Personal Inventory Exploration (PIE) – the client lists their top three priorities as specific measurable goals in each of six areas in their life.


Included is an Excel workbook with a Business Budget, Business Actual, Personal Budget, and Savings Ledger worksheets. Instructions for each worksheet are at the top of the page. All of the formulas are entered so the coach simply works through the budgeting for each line item with the client and then the client enters their actual spending.


All of the above are provided electronically within one business day of payment.


To order now, please click here.


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Cathy Liska, MCC

Authorized IACET certification provider